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Respect Resilience Responsibility

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We have high expectations of all our pupils and seek to provide a learning environment and experience that is engaging and accessible for all.  This is met primarily within the classroom through 'quality first teaching', with a focus on clear differentiation and personalised learning, supplemented by additional support and guidance as required.  This support is targeted through pupil progress meetings and reviewed regularly to ensure it is responsive to individual needs.

We have reviewed our SEN policy in response to the 0-25 SEND Code of Practice (2014). There are now two stages of SEN definition, as outlined in the Code of Practice:

1.  SEN support
[Previously defined as School Action and School Action Plus].  This is part of a graduated approach between the school and parents, involving a process of assessing, planning, action and review.  Throughout the process, the school engages in conversations with parents and class teachers to discuss a child's needs; gathers evidence from observations, assessments or discussions with outside agencies, such as educational psychologists; and creates a plan of action, possibly supported by a school contract.  The plan is then implemented and reviewed to assess its impact and the need for further action and support.

2.  Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs and disability plans
[EHC plans replace statements of SEN and Learning Disability Assessments (LDAs)].  Children and young people with more complex needs may require an EHC plan.

Involving parents and carers

We recognise the value of a collaborative approach to a child's education; we work closely with parents and carers to ensure we have a full understanding of every child's needs and are in the best position to seek the most appropriate support.  We encourage parents to be fully involved with the school to ensure we can provide the best educational provision for every child - class teachers and the SEN co-ordinator are always happy to discuss children's needs and progress.

Please contact the school if you would like any more information, support or guidance on meeting the needs of your child.

Useful links and information

SENDIASS Leicester
A free, independent service providing confidential advice, information and practical support to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities.

Local Offer Leicester
Provides help and guidance with finding services for children and young people with SEND; explains what is required of schools and service providers for SEND children and young people; and helps parents and carers find support for themselves. Please access the site where you will find links to the Local Offer Website and other information.

Overdale School Offer

Please access the school offer below which outlines the overall provision at Overdale.