Our fabulous summer fete returns this Saturday 24th June and will run from 12:30-3:00. Join us for fete fun including bouncy castle, BBQ, dance performances and much more! https://t.co/beRPUESycu
Congratulations to the following schools for retaining their Platinum School Games Mark award this year! @AvenuePrimarySc @MayflowerPSch @MerrydaleJunior @ParksPrimary @SJS_trips @StokesWoodPS @PrimaryMarriott @ojsSport @CHCC_Official @rusheymeadpe @YourSchoolGames https://t.co/4HMHp23xrC
Today, staff and students visited @ojsinfo to inform Year 6s about the transition to Manor High School - it was great to meet the students joining us later this year, and thanks to Overdale for being so welcoming! #ManorHighWay https://t.co/BLvROYvcOk
@LGS_Music1 @ojsinfo @LGS_Senior Also, a big thank you to the pupils of the Sinfonietta and the pupils of @ojsinfo for performing my arrangement of ‘Better Off Alone’. It sounded absolutely fantastic! @dcmchargmusic
Sinfonietta had a wonderful time performing @ojsinfo on Tuesday. Thank you for listening so well and joining in as our choir! @LGS_Senior https://t.co/OWG0mDlDlq
Today was the 4th annual 500 words competition awards. We were amazed by the entries. All finalists are printed in a beautiful book, with the winners then awarded book vouchers for @kibworthbooks. The final three in each year group win bronze, silver and gold trophies. https://t.co/ZmXeKqHFwk
Find out what MP and Minister for Schools Damian Hinds had to say when he wrote to Brookside Primary School: https://t.co/0g7Ed2vQj7 https://t.co/eNe7NVLJrV
We are thrilled to welcome Sean Morris to the Oak Multi Academy Trust Board of Trustees! We appreciate the commitment and dedication to our school communities of all our Trustees. Together, we will continue to grow and provide excellent education for our students. Welcome! https://t.co/J5cDrhqO1L
“I stood frozen, staring at the beast as a shiver ran down my spine. There was no way we were getting out alive.”
There’s just one more week before our 500 word competition event! Find out more about the competition here: https://t.co/sDmMbBSX8f https://t.co/QHD1nfb9QJ
Don't miss THE National Governance Conference for Schools and Trusts!
Join us for a day of in-person connection with trustees, governors, and governance pros.
Tailored programmes, top speakers, and interactive workshops await. Secure your spot now! https://t.co/S0SaUnXMXE https://t.co/5xO7pTOb6n
Great honour today to speak at the Schools & Academies Show at the Excel on their first ever T&L Stage.
I discussed the importance of modelling, the struggles we face teaching writing & demo’d the use of the I-We-You model.
Thank you to all those who supported in the build up https://t.co/3t0QNpac9T
Great honour today to speak at the Schools & Academies Show at the Excel on their first ever T&L Stage.
I discussed the importance of modelling, the struggles we face teaching writing & demo’d the use of the I-We-You model.
Thank you to all those who supported in the build up https://t.co/3t0QNpac9T
Snackalicious is back!! Healthy tuck shop run by pupils at Overdale Junior School. Healthy kids = Happy kids https://t.co/8pUMtCNleW
We’ve partnered up with local company Green Tomato to supply us with wonderful fresh fruit for our new look Snackalicious tuck shop at Overdale Juniors. Don’t forget to sign up for prepayment via ParentPay - starts Tuesday 7 Feb!! Say yes to Healthy snacks. https://t.co/JPvf4PzCJL
After school Kids Cookery club has restarted week 1 making healthy Muesli breakfast pots. https://t.co/4GJ1HgdvJr
Congratulations to the following schools for retaining their Platinum School Games Mark award this year! @AvenuePrimarySc @MayflowerPSch @MerrydaleJunior @ParksPrimary @SJS_trips @StokesWoodPS @PrimaryMarriott @ojsSport @CHCC_Official @rusheymeadpe @YourSchoolGames https://t.co/4HMHp23xrC
And again giving it their best in the long jump! We are so proud of you all https://t.co/XQDx8T5af8
Team OJS in action in the howler @ojsSport @ojsinfo @leicesterssp https://t.co/kCcgRBCXlP
Team OJS smashing events on the track! @ojsSport @ojsinfo @leicesterssp https://t.co/0o8dgJDK44
Today we are at Saffron Lane supporting the Leicestershire and Rutland Primary Parallel Athletics Championships event! We have lots of children here with a variety of SEND needs. It’s lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves! https://t.co/Z41CKaoRT2
Monday 4th January 2020
Following the Prime Minister's announcement, Overdale Junior School will ONLY be opening to the children of critical keyworkers and vulnerable children from Tuesday 5th January until at least February half term.
If your child falls into this category, please only send your child to school if you have no other choice in order to in order to undertake your crucial keyworker roles.
If we determine at any point that a parent is not a Keyworker then their child will not be able to attend the setting.
Remote learning is available for all children - see home learning section and check emails for further information on this.
We want to support our community during this difficult time. We will continue to be accessible for any concerns regarding safeguarding or the wellbeing of children within our care.
Phone 999 if a crime is being committed or if a child is in immediate danger.
Contact Leicestershire police on 101 if you think a crime has been committed but there is no immediate danger.
To report a concern, call the following:
City - 0116 4541004
County - 0116 305 0005
You may be eligible for Free School Meals. Call: Free School Meals Service on 0116 454 1009 (option 3), or apply online at www.leicester.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals , or complete and post the attached form. Click here for more info.
We want to support our families. See this information if you are struggling financially. See here.
You can contact Mr Evans, Mrs Collins, Miss Dighton and Mrs Lisseman by email: slt@overdale-jun.leicester.sch.uk
Overdale Junior School Eastcourt Road Knighton Leicester LE2 3YA
Phone: 0116 288 3736
Fax: 0116 288 3800