Another award....
We're now an Ashden Less CO2 school!
Over the past year, Mr Evans, Mrs Scott and Mr Fuzane have attended a series of workshops run by Ashden, a charity that specialises in helping organisations transition towards a low-carbon world.
We have completed the programme and are pleased to be able to say we are an Ashden Less CO2 school!
We have worked with other schools on the project to find ways for our school to reduce its carbon emissions. Hopefully we will be able to see significant savings through the ideas we have implemented: regular monitoring of gas and electricity usage; regular classroom monitoring for lights and projectors; reduction of airflow through the school from outside.
As part of EcOverdale and our whole school plan, we are always looking for ways to reduce our energy usage - if you have any ideas, please get in touch with Mrs Scott via the school office or in the playground.