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Respect Resilience Responsibility

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Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to thank everyone who attended the first Overdale School Farmers' market on 25 May 2017 and made it such a wonderful and successful event.

We were delighted to see so many families buying produce and enjoying themselves. Similarly, the stall holders were thrilled with how much they sold and want to know when the next event will be! The Real Junk Food Project was delighted with the support for their unique project and we felt this offered people the chance to make donations in exchange for food/plants.

The children and teachers loved having their own classroom market stalls agreed there was a great turnout and atmosphere.

Thanks to our parent helpers who set up and especially to parents Ellie and Andy Hall ( St Martins Coffee) who provided tea & coffee for our refreshments stall free of charge. Our thanks also go to Leicester City Catering who made great cookies to sell and to Donna Robinson for donating plants to sell. The school garden was a big attraction and we sold lots of plants & jars of Leicestershire produced honey.

It was fantastic to welcome so many people from Overdale Infant and Junior School Communities. In total we jointly made over £640 to promote our cooking and growing activities in our schools. The feedback has been very positive and we would certainly like to think we could hold a similar event around the same time next year.

As Michelle Stratford from Planet Leicester Bakers said: "I am really impressed. It was a lovely event, promoting good real food with children, their families, friends and community."

We will upload a range of photos shortly and a list of all the stall holders that joined us on the day!

Best wishes
Karen Cooper and Sarah Stevens ( event organisers)