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Over the past few years our Food for Life work at Overdale Junior School has been an incredibly rewarding and wonderful learning journey for adults and children alike.

We were thrilled to get our FfL Bronze Award back in November 2015 and since then we have been working hard towards both our Silver and Gold Awards, which we hope to achieve in the near future. 

We have undertaken many large whole school projects, undertaken training and improved many areas of school all of which are detailed more fully in the document below.

Many congratulations to our two pupils pictured above who took part in the finals of the Leicester City Primary Chef Competition at Leicester College! Great fun was had by all.

And on Friday the whole of Year 4 travelled to the East of England Showground in Peterborough and enjoyed the amazing Kids Country Food and Farming Day.

Our Food for Life journey has effectively transformed our food culture, permeating across the whole school curriculum, backed by an updated Food Policy, and including the wider infant and junior school communities. It continues to be a very rewarding partnership as we head towards Silver and Gold.

Karen Cooper, Food for Life Lead and Food Routes Co-ordinator, Overdale Junior School, June 2017.