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We are very pleased to have taken delivery of a new Bloomberg dishwasher to help clear up during weekly Food Routes lessons as well as events like After School Family Cookery Club Just Cook, breakfast club, homework club and other events.

We are very grateful to the Overdale Parents Association for funding this important piece of equipment in the Healthy Hut.

The kitchen is in daily use and this means there is always a large daily volume of washing up.
Part of our cookery lesson involves cleaning up with different tasks undertaken including clearing tables, washing up, drying up, composting, sanitising tables and now loading the dishwasher too!

Inevitably this will be a time saver for  everyone involved ( although there will still be some washing up by hand because we use lots of equipment ) and importantly it will allow us to wash the pots, crockery and cutlery on a hot wash to ‘sterilise’ the equipment regularly.

We are very grateful to the parents of our schools for funding this project. It has been a long time in coming as the original position for the dishwasher had to be changed. In addition we wanted a good quality, full sized machine that was economical to run with short 30 minute &  one hour cycles as well as longer ones.
The children will be learning how to rinse, stack and use the machine as part of their cookery lessons. Please encourage your children to help out in the kitchen with cooking & cleaning chores!

Thank you to Overdale Parents Association.

Kind regards
Karen Cooper