We are excited to be launching Pobble...
....a teacher founded website for publishing our pupils' writing online. As well as allowing you to read and engage with your child's writing, it gives your children an audience for their work, providing them with a purpose, proven to impact attainment.
Pobble is used by schools all over the world to safely share and celebrate children's writing. To read some of the wonderful work being shared, please visit pobble.com
On Tuesday 24th, Year 4 had an exciting Pobble launch day! After a mysterious time travelling device was found in the hall (left behind by time traveller Professor H on one of his missions) children then spent the day creating and writing about their own time travel adventures. At the end of the day, we came back together for a celebration assembly and heard snippets of some of the writing. Teachers then chose 4 or 5 children per class to become the first published authors on Pobble!
Year 4 teachers will continue to choose children to be published every week or two, please visit the site regularly to read their wonderful writing. Parents can create free accounts to enable them to leave comments on writing to further encourage the children. Year 4 children will also be given pupil logins, enabling them to celebrate the work of their peers and keep track of the number of views and comments on their own work.
Congratulations to the following authors who have published writing to date: Thomas, Aisha, Safia, Aliyaan and Isobel from 4DCL, Sydney, Isabel, Luca and Aman in 4N, Harsharn, Charanvir, Amy, Dhruvi and Isobel from 4S and Jiya, Giaan, Matthias, Alana and Daniel in 4T.