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Children need to know where their food comes from and we have strong links with farmer Anthony and Sandra Herbert from Whetstone Pastures Farm, Whetstone, Leicestershire. 

During the Autumn term Sandra (‘Granny Jam’ as she is affectionately known because she makes her own range of jams) comes into school to talk to Y3 children about growing fruit, how to make jam and jam tasting. She leaves some pots in the staff room for staff to buy.

In the Spring term the Y3 pupils  keep in touch via email and Face-Time to see what is happening on the farm.

Finally in the summer term we organise for all the Y3 classes to go on a trip to the farm which also has a dairy herd. On their visit they help the farmer plant the keyhole garden or weed the fruit crops, and have a good look around the farm. They go on a tractor and trailer ride, see the dairy herd and calves in the barn which gives an opportunity to talk about how milk is produced and reproduction! The children make a fruit crumble with fruit from the farm and go on a hedgerow walk, see vegetables growing, as well as visit the goats and hens.

It is a great opportunity to see where lots of food comes from.

(Photos from previous farm trips)