Maths resources 2
We believe that engaging and hands-on maths lessons enable children to develop a sound understanding of core number skills.
Children are then challenged to apply these in a range of real-life contexts and investigations.
Through our on-going assessment (weekly skills check for example), we are able to challenge the children appropriately, and it helps us target gaps in their understanding.
Children have weekly homework tasks set by the class teacher and there is an expectation that everyone learns their timetables throughout the year as we check these weekly too.
If you would like further detail about the calculation policy please see the formal document in our policies page.
We have also been working on a series of videos so you can see the methods being put into practice and explained by the children.
Please use these videos, pictures and documents below to help you understand the methods yourself and to support you when helping your child/ren at home.
Number line for subtraction:
Number line for division:
Number line for division with reminders:
Long division with fraction remainders:
Grid method used for single digit multiplication:
Using a number line for addition:
Column method for multiplication:
Formal written method for division with decimals: