Parents’ Forum
Educational research shows children learn best and achieve more when parents and schools work closely together. Overdale Parents’ Forum aims to do this by giving parents and carers (from both Infants & Juniors) regular opportunities to come into school and have a say in how the school should be run for maximum effectiveness.
The Forum is open to all parents and meets half-termly to share ideas , raise issues of interest and discuss things that matter to them. Meetings are held at different times of the day to give as many people as possible the chance to attend.
In the past the Forum has played a key role in developing the Anti-Bullying and School Food policies. The group has helped to make lunchtime and dining hall improvements, organise reading workshops for parents and improve home/school communication. Other focused topics include homework, transition from Y2-Y3, parent surveys, the school improvement plan, and teaching and learning.
If you want to contact us about the Forum or raise a topic for discussion at the next meeting, please contact Mrs Cooper via the school office, or email
Parents' Forum Meeting for the Summer Term
The next forum meeting date is yet to be confirmed. Watch this space for confirmation soon.
Parents are however welcome at the next School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG) meeting with School Council representatives who will be discussing school dinners. Please note this is a change of date (it was originally the 14th May but needed to be changed due to SATs).
We would love you to drop by!
Many thanks
Karen Cooper
Parents’ Forum Co-ordinator
Please see the round up document below for the latest Parents' Forum information.