Pupil Premium
The pupil premium was introduced in April 2011. Please see our Pupil Premium Strategy below.
Overdale Junior School are happy to be able to provide one full set of uniform at the beginning of each academic year.
This applies to all children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 who trigger Pupil Premium funding.
Children who would like are entitled to receive school milk.
The uniform consists of non-branded school uniform in the appropriate school colours. Within this bundle, we are able to provide:
- A school jumper set (usually a pack of 2) or a cardigan
- A set of polo shirts (usually come as a pack of 5)
- A pair of school trousers or a school skirt (usually a pack of 2) or 1 pinafore dress
- A crew neck t-shirt for PE (usually a set of 2)
- A set of PE shorts (usually a set of 2)
During each academic year, we are able to support an invitation to one of our Metcalf sports clubs. We are able to support with payment for either 1 club over 2 half terms or 2 clubs in 1 half term.
We are able to discuss support with regards to school trips and costs towards swimming. In Year 5 and 6, we are able to discuss support with regards to the Year 6 residential.
To discuss the support we can offer and receive a school uniform order, please speak with Miss Preston or Mrs Cross.
We aim to continue to seek ways to encourage parents and carers to apply for free school meals where pride, stigma or changing circumstances act as barriers to its take-up.
Apply online at www.leicester.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals or pick up a form from the school office.
Details of the last full years spend is detailed below.
Please refer to the separate documents below for further information on our Pupil Premium Strategy including historical tables of planned and actual expenditure.